Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1st Month

Well today I'm 1 month old!!! It's been a long hard month with lots of drinking milk, creating LOTS of washing for Mum and sleeping (with 1 eye open to watch my big brother). I'm being good to Mum and only waking once a night now and I try not to keep her up too long. I'm a pretty contented baby and get lots of kisses and cuddles from my big brother, and he just loves pulling my socks off for some reason.

Big Bro LIttle Sis

Me and my big brother are sharing lots of special moments together, he's teaching me about the ways of the world. He reckons it's great we can hop into Mum and Dad's bed and watch TV in the mornings (Mum and Dad just don't see it our way but we'll work on them).